

Under Democrat rule we have seen our economy decimated by blanket directives that kept small businesses resulting in massive permanent closures and loss of good paying jobs. We cannot continue down this road and I adamantly oppose further restrictions on our businesses.

A top priority for me is to strengthen our economy, expand job growth and create opportunities for all. As a small business owner, I know the challenges businesses face on a daily basis. From our growing skill gaps to workforce challenges, we need to find new and innovative ways to create long-term, sustainable workforce development in both traditional and emerging sectors.


We have a healthcare system that has many challenges, but none more prevalent than in rural communities. We need to increase access through commonsense proposals that will bring more doctors and providers to underserved communities.

Unfortunately, Democrats have continued to push legislation that will exacerbate our bottom-of-the-nation doctor and nursing shortage. I will continue to fight to bring solutions that increase healthcare access in our rural communities.


Our education system has consistently ranked at the bottom of virtually every category. Democrats exacerbated the problem by keeping our schools closed further widening our academic achievement gap.

Reforms should focus on lowering the cost of educating our children and creating school choice opportunities for both parents and students.


The role of government is to provide a stable legal and social framework on which society can effectively operate and prosper. Nevada families expect a government that is transparent and accountable, a government that provides opportunity and is responsible with our limited resources.

I oppose any type of federal or state mandate that restricts our freedoms. I will continue to fight for a responsible government that is neither intrusive nor overbearing.


Nevada has consistently led the nation in job creation and continues to rank in the top five for tax-friendly states. We need to continue to foster and grow our competitive tax system. It is very difficult to convince me there is a need to increase the tax burden of Nevadans, instead we should be looking at ways to reduce costs and lower taxes.  At the same time, we have a duty to ensure that we plan for tomorrow’s bills by paying them today, rather than kicking the can down the road for our future generations to deal with them. Broken promises and a blatant disregard for the constitution to raise taxes will only slow our growth and drive businesses out.